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The Radburn Association

Anna Coccaro

Community Manager 

Anna Coccaro is excited to be returning to  Radburn Association with 10 years’ experience in building management, and looking forward to sharing her experience and knowledge with the community.  As a result-driven person with exceptional organizational skills, outstanding time management and efficient and quality-driven results for management, Board of Directors and residents, she is looking forward to working again with the Radburn residents.

Laura Betancar

Assistant Community Manager

Laura comes to Radburn with many years of experience in the service industry, real estate, and now property management. She is excited to start this journey and share her knowledge, expertise and offer her support, dedication, and commitment to the Radburn Community!

Rene Testa Adams

Activities & Lifestyle Director,  Communications

Rene Testa Adams has extensive experience with Lifestyle Community Operations. Rene created a very active community and managed to get the community engaged with volunteering their time and talent , she knows how to bring people together to give of their time and experience so that a community can create events and bring the people out of their homes and in to the community.  

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